Friday 27 March 2009

Thriller evaluation By Oneme

My thriller is called Vengeful Vixen. It is about a woman who gets revenge on men who have cheated on her in the past and she wants to get revenge on them in the most horrific way. The thriller does not show the conventional stereotype of a man kidnapping a woman and holding her hostage, on the other hand, it goes away from that conventional stereotype, it is a woman abducting a man, and this adds a great effect to my film, which makes it enjoyable to watch. Furthermore, I use digetic and non-digetic sounds together that creates a sense of tension throughout the opening. For example when the perpetrator Lora is walking down the steps we use a non digetic sound because we use her real footsteps and intertwine it with our soundtrack which is the digetic sound. This allows the audience to be on the edge of their seats because they want to see what happens next.
I think a small independent UK release or even my media product being distributed across the internet would suit my film. I came to this conclusion because the film we have done is different from what Hollywood does. Hollywood show films like James Bond and the Dark Knight where the heroes, do incredible stunts. In addition, they have films that have sensational special affects, which draws the audience’s attention like transformers. On the other hand my film even though it is a thriller it is different because are one does not have those Hollywood special effects instead we use things such as the shadow of the characters which is used to great effect also we make the shot of the vixen washing up the knife, to add tension to the film. My style of film is not really for the big cinemas it is better to be shown on internet on sites like YouTube and in independent cinemas, like the Dalston Rio because it will attract a niche audience because of its diversity. Furthermore, it allows people who enjoy watching films at home to watch a low budget film that is free to their liking.
My film represents the younger generation more than the older generation. In this modern era, there is a lot of conflict between young people, which leads to people unfortunately loosing their lives. In my film, we tried to convey this by showing one way, in which someone takes revenge out on someone and uses a knife to kill him or her as we see on the streets today. Moreover, we wanted to show why young people might carry knives and their feelings towards the person they might want to hurt. Our film also represents the young generation because the people who star in this media product are two young people who are in their teenage years and this is an insight into the real world of youth violence. Our film also throws out the stereotype of male dominance and it shows the female who now is dominant, this leads to a wider range of female viewers because women will watch it because they might want that sense of control.
In my point of view, I believe the audience for our film would be 16-25 because those ages are towards late teens and early adult years. Furthermore, when you are at these ages you are always likely to have the internet and that is the kind of institution we wanted to distribute it on. Moreover, this audience is more likely to have a relationship breakdown and wanting revenge on their partner because they have done something bad to them. We use this but emphasise it a bit more in our thriller by showing the women killing the man that abused her trust. Sandra is 21; she is at university and studies media, she likes to spend time with her close friends watching movies on the internet. There is also no cinema where her university is based so she really only has her computer.
The audience for my film would likely to be teenage girls and women because the film is transmitted to attract them because my media product is about a woman who is in control and I think women would like to watch that. I would market our media product by putting trailers on internet sites such as YouTube that would get a lot of coverage because many people go on that site. Furthermore, I might use the method of advertising it on more niche TV channels such as E4 a channel, which attracts many teenage viewers, and my film might interest them. Moreover, as the main character Elliot, a teenager, people can relate with him because he is in their age group and this allows us to get more viewers. Advertising could also be done on social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace that many teenagers have nowadays, this precisely, allows us to target our audience. We could also go through the process of advertising it on major food hotspots such as KFC or McDonalds where people can enjoy their food and also see our film and go hmmmm! This might be a great film to watch while I am on my computer at home.
My product is similar with Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining because in the opening you see the same car going up to the house and in that car, are all the main characters. In comparison, my thrillers opining you see the kidnapper and the hostage who are the main characters and we follow them the whole way through. To add effect we used various shots to show Elliot’s (the hostage) state of mind. We used a medium close up to show his face and we managed to add sweat to add tension this was a good affect to use because you saw he was really frightened and petrified because he didn’t no why he was their in the first place. Moreover, we used a point of view shot, which showed Elliot looking dis-orientated and this allowed the audience to feel his anguish because they where looking at it from his point of view.
When we went to watch it in the cinema I was worried about what people’s view would be of our work and so where the others that where in my group. At the start everybody was still talking about the one they had watched before but went the high- angle shot of Elliot came along where he was tied up the volume toned down so they must have been intrigued by what they where viewing. After our thriller was shown, we got great reviews from the people that where sitting around us. For example a girl that sitting next to me said ‘I liked that point of view shot it made me think what if that was me’ those comments people made, made me feel very humble because we knew all the work we put in came to something excellent in the end.
While we where making our film we stumbled across technology I would not always use, such as the Mac computer and the logging and capture programme. All the software looked vey complex to me and I thought I would be needing help all the time with it. When the teacher then showed us how to use these things, I was very happy because now I knew how to use these complex instruments. Using final cut pro and soundtrack pro was great experience and learning curve because I had never used something like this before and I was surprised at the different things it could do. For example, when my group and me where on soundtrack pro we learnt how to use the different beats and sounds which we then put together in a sequence to create our soundtrack. This enabled us to be creative with our editing and sound and it allowed us to create a great piece of work.
Looking back on the preliminary exercises we had done, that helped us to produce our media product because we took the mistakes from those and bettered them. Such as we were able to make our match cuts sharper so it intertwines with the next shot smoothly. I also got my head around the film making process which I thought at the start was going to be easy but it was not. It took a long time to get the right shots we needed and when we even looked back, we where still missing some shots but we got their in the end. It was also meticulously long, for example, all the storyboarding and making everything organised but to me it was all a learning curve and I enjoyed it immensely.
To conclude, my experience of making this media product was exciting and stressful at the same time but overall I enjoyed it. It allowed me to use things I do not use on an everyday basis. Furthermore, it came out excellent in the cinema, it got rave reviews from the people sitting around us, this made me quite proud of me, and my group because it meant all our hard work paid off.

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