Thursday 26 March 2009



My media product that I did was an opening to a thriller movie. Openings of movies are important because it lets you no what the movie is going to be about. I see that some of the conventions of a thriller I have used. Thriller openings usually contain suspense in which that can be approached in many different ways. The location in thriller opening is important because it sets the scene. Props can also be important Conventions of a thriller. These are objects which can make affect meaning in the movie. Thriller films are usually shown from to character points. The first being of the protagonist, which involves the audience more and creates empathy for the character. The other character point is the villain which can lead to empathy for the villain. Events in the storyline enable the film to progress and allow the audience to guess what’s going to happen next. The dialogue in thrillers never contains a complete explanation or plot, to give it pace, and maintain the mystery which is essential in building up suspense. In my film I was the protagonist the audience were more focused on me whereas Lora was the villain she was the one causing suspense and empathy. Also are film didn’t have dialogue however we used background music. We used breathing and heart beats for me when I was struggling in the rope and used footsteps for Lora as she was getting closer. We had background music on top this put pace to be thriller and created a mystery.

From my other preliminary tasks that I have done, I have seen I have made major improvement in my work. I have seen I have learnt a lot through those exercises and was able to produce them in the making of my thriller opening. I have been able to use a more variety of shots rather than a few. I have seen that filming is very important during the process. You have to make sure you have filmed quite a lot of shots because when you come to put it on final cut pro some have either been filmed wrong, filmed to short or long or either you don’t like it. My group took loads of shots but in the end we didn’t use all of them we ended up mix and matching quite a few of them. I also found out that match cutting was very important because it helps to make the film make sense and easier to understand what their doing from different views. My group used match cuts when Lora was walking into hall way then opening the door. This match cut worked well because we were able to see where she was coming from and what she was going to do. Also I found final cut pro quite easy to do because I was used of it through the other preliminary tasks when using it. Also blogging, we had to record everything we done. We had to use the internet a website called blogger and had to write what you done every lesson. I found it all right because you can go back to it if you need to remember what you done in a lesson.

Our thriller opening is mainly for 18+ the reason for this is that children younger than that will be seeing and hearing things they do not want to hear. It may also represent other social groups like 15 -16 because they might want to see a bit of action and may look up to the films Also 30+ the reason for this is that it may be suited and that they are more know ledged and will be able to understand things easier also it will more likely be suited to middle class people because its natural for them to watch it. In addition, when producing the film we challenged stereotype, instead of a woman being a victim it was a man. That was quite useful because it related to our title Vengeful Vixen.

Our thriller opening will more likely to be located and distributed in U.K cinemas. The reason why I say that is because we made it in the U.K and its more suited to U.Ks rather than others from America etc. Also it seems smaller budget and more people will view it that way.

Our audience for our thriller is mainly teenagers, 15+. The reason why I say that is because people younger than that would want to be seeing explicit scenes e.g. blood, killing. There may also be swearing which won’t be good for younger children. Adults may also watch it as well if their into the thriller genre. It will be unlikely for elderly to watch it because so much will be going on and they might not be able to understand it. Both genders are likely to watch it because it features both genders init. The film is more like for someone who goes to college/work, likes watching thriller films and likes going out.

Our film will have a star person like a celebrity who is starring in it. They will get shown in the film and they will be well known which will make people want to see it. In addition, the way we produce it will help attract the audience. We will have producer and produce it over many industry’s e.g. TV cinemas, internet which will make more people see it. TV because basically everyone watches TV. Cinemas because people go to a cinema to watch films and when they see a preview of our film and if they think it looks good they will go to watch it. And internet because that’s worldwide and anyone will be to see it. Also the genre of it our film fits the genre so when people see it they will no it’s a thriller. Also at the beginning of the film it starts black then has a tracking shot which leads into the person. The way it starts shows it’s a thriller so it’s likely to catch peoples attention. Also the different range of shots we used close ups of the victim and the slow motion affect. These all helped it to verify the genre.

Through the process of the making of the film I see that the technology has helped a lot. Firstly, on the practical we had to film in many different places to get the right affect. When we filming we had to use props to make better affect. In addition, we had to make sure that the people being filmed wore the same clothes so it looked more realistic. We also had to make sure we had a load of shots and took 5 seconds before recording. The reason for this is because when we were uploading the clips on to final cut pro we had to do mark in and out point on each clip. In addition, while using final cut pro we had make each clip shorter to fit the length on our film. Our film ended out being 1min and 41 seconds but still was roughly aright. During the process, we used final cut pro. It was easy for me because I had used it before we had to upload all the clips then use mark in and out points for them. We then put all the clips in order and saw how it runs through. Final cut pro was able to make our thriller better we were able to use effects etc to help it look good e.g. fades, dissolves, slow motion. We also used live type pro. We used that for the credits and film name Vengeful Vixen. The reason why we used live type because we were able to make vengeful affect which went well with our film. We also used soundtrack pro for the sound. Here was a variety of music sounds we had to choose from for our soundtrack. We used a mixture or soundtracks e.g. heartbeats footsteps to create affects. We also used background music to create the scene. The use of blogging allowed me to keep a record of what we have done to make references to when looking back to things we still required to perform in order to make a good thriller opening. Also we were able to release it on vimeo and on our blogs which illustrates to growing affect of the internet in our lives and how even amateurs can still put something out there to entertain audiences.

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