Friday 27 March 2009

The first thriller film that we watched was the shining. This film follows typical thriller conventions; it about a man staying in a hotel with his family but is then possessed by a ghost asking him to kill his them. The reason why we watched this was to see an example of what a good thriller film is, so we can see what rules and convention we had to include in our thriller work. I believe that my thriller opening used this film as a very good example because it contains all the right elements. The title of our media video is called Vengeful Vixen, it an eye catchy title that plays around with alliteration and will guarantee to attract the audience by giving the need to see the film. Our thriller film features a set that creates a thrilling atmosphere and keeps the location mysterious, we used long shot to give the sense of location. Like the character in the shinning jack Torrance, my main character is also a very possessed and troubled person that is trying to kill someone. We also use diegetic sounds like the heart beat and human breathing together they creates a sense of thrilling tension that is very realistic throughout the opening. The jump cut to the kitchen where Lora’s character is washing the knife is directly linked to the previous scene through the music, which continues in the back ground as non-diegetic sound. We used a number of different shots, for example a low level shot that keeps the characters mysterious and hide their identity. We also used a medium close up to show the fear of Elliot’s character.

In our first media task we produced a short film about two people playing card. This preliminary task was very useful because we first learnt how to story board. This is an exercise that helps you plan your work, from the number of shot you would use, the timing of the scenes and how it will be edited. While filming the card scene we learnt how to direct the scenes using different variety of camera shots and angle shots so that it can convey and be very effective to the film. In a previous media lesson we were taught how to edit videos. We did this by editing scenes from a video about a boy sitting in a café. Using match cut, in and outs we manage to place the film in order so that it makes sense.

Representation of woman in our thriller film is represented through Lora’s character, she

shows a conventional view of a woman who is trying to gets revenge on a men who has cheated on her ,she kills them in the most strange and horrific way. Her violent and vicious approach to Elliot’s character is shown through different camera angles.

Elliot’s character is represented as a man who has been beaten down and has lack of man power. We use camera movement (tracking) to expose his character and used medium close ups to show the way his struggling. To make the shot more effective, we used celled tape and ropes as props to tie him up so that he can feel captured .The characters costume of shorts and a t- shirt also adds to the effect because it shows that he has been stripped down from his formal clothes and dignity, the sweat also emphasize that he is really scared. . This man power is undermined by Lora’s character because she is not portraying the conventional stereotype of a man abusing a woman. However it shows Lora’s character to be a dominant woman seeding power over the man.

I think that my film is god enough to be made into a Hollywood film because it has the possibility to be a blockbuster. However because it is made in the united kingdom it is likely to be a small UK release that is shown on independent cinemas9spiderman like view and the screen. The reason why I think that this might be the case is because our thriller film doesn’t have special effects that a Hollywood film will have. Hollywood makes the best movies in the industry; high quality movies like super heroes films (Spiderman) have unbelievable special effect that have a wow factor to automatically draw the audience. We can also see from this film that a lot of money was used in to produce these films. Even if our thriller film is good unfortunately it still wouldn’t be good enough to be a high Hollywood film as it has a low budget film with low special effects. The kind of special effect that we use in our thriller fill is the use of lighting and editing. This film can benefit people who don’t have money to spend in the cinema as the film can also be shown on internet sites like you tube. The audience for my film would likely to be teenagers of both gender and women because they will be able to relate to the film, as it about a woman being in a relationship and getting her heart broken. Furthermore teenagers will also be attracted to this film because the characters are in the same age group. Films like high school musical are films that attract many young generations as the characters are also young. I will like people from every social class to see this film and enjoy it because it a film that will relate to anyone no matter what social class you come from, by this I mean that every women can get they heart broken and feel to set revenge. if this film was aimed at all social class it will gain more audience and make profit.

Networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace can be one main way of attracting young people as we know that many young people use this site daily. I will use media techniques like newspapers and magazines as method of advertisement. Newspapers are things people read everyday and get information, magazine can attract our target audience (younger generation) as a lot of young people read magazines like reveal. When we went to watch it in the cinema the audience reaction was really good I dint expect people to like our films as much as they did .people in my class also watched the video and their really like it they gave as a lot of comments and showed us what we could improve on if we could do the video again. One comment of improvement was to not make the footstep sound too long.

My conclusion is that although making this thriller was hard work and stressful because not everyone agreed on the same idea as there was four people in the group. We finally manage to become a group and work together to produce this piece. I am proud to know that I was part of making the video.

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