Sunday 11 January 2009

wednesday 7th of January

On wednesday the 7th me and my group made a short film which we had to include matchcuts when we edit and we had to use different points of view. I found this excersise very satisfying because i used the camera to film other people in the rest of my group and found this very helpful because now we could all use the camera effectively and learnt the technicality of the camera and I managed to master it in the end. Moreover we used various camera angles so we could show different points of views and make it easier to matchcut when it comes to it. We also got a a4 size sheet of paper where we wrote down the things that we where going to do in the short film. I and the rest of my group found that helpful because then we could refer back to the sheet for guidance instead of improvising and doing it on the spot and making mistakes. For me this lesson was a real help in the progress of our thriller film that we are going to do.

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