Thursday 29 January 2009

Monday 8th December

on monday the 8th of january we had to use our editing skills by editing the game or cards which we filmed. Mickey gave us a bit of help with this then after we all had to do bits our self. We saw quite a few funny shots and had quite a few laughs. We didnt finish editing it all in the same lesson so we had to cum to workshop to finish it off. I found that quite effective because we were able to have more time and add more effects in to make it look good.

Wednesday the 28th of january

On wednesday the 28th me and my group started filimng our opening to a thriller movie. we used alot of equpment including the tables to get the shots we needed. We used the spotight to emphasise our character and set the scene. This was important because he is the vocal point of the story we are trying to display. Furthermore the group combinded well and we used each otthers ideas and we put them into practice and i personallly think that went well. Th e filming was also excellent because everybody in my group used the camera and we worked well as a team and a unit and i am very pleased with that.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

last lesson we had the opportunity to watch last years opening of a thriller movie.We saw a lot of good and bad examples.This really helped me because it inspired me to see what me and my group have to do in order to achieve a great opening of a thriller movie ,that will give as a good grade.The other examples that we saw were not that good but they help me to see what i should not include in my proget to avoid achiving a low grade.
there was an example that really inspired me because the used of camera very good,including some very good shots from diffrent angles ,long shots cose up and the way the piece was formed and edited showed that a lot of hard work and consideration went into achieving the piece.
there was another example i really liked because the story was very simple but still it created tension and gave us the audience a sense of a realistic thriller movie.
This really got me thinking that in order for me and my group to achieve something this good we have to work hard.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

in todays lesson

In todays lesson we learnt how to use the soundtrack programme to add a new dimension to our short movie. I was really impressed by how much beats and percussions there was to choose from and this lead our group to make a good soundtrack for our short piece. We only used two soundtracks,we kept the sound short and sweet and not too complex just like our short clip this was good because it sounded good in the end. This session was a big step for me because i had never used the soundtrack programme before and when i learnt how to use it it was very satisfying knowing now that whwn it comes to the main movie I know how to develop it and make it the best it cn be.
I was not present on the day of the video shooting,therefore in today lesson i helped my group to edit the video. This was very helpful because i had the opportunity to see what the group was able to do in my absent and to see what they were able to achieve as a group. Although wans't in for the lesson,when editing the video i felt like i was involve with the making of the video . In this lesson we had the chance to put the video scenes together in order to get a very good story that made sense and we also added soundtrack to the video.In my opinion adding the soundtrack really made the whole video come into live,it made the scene more lively and entertaining to watch. to sum up today lesson, i believe that a group has to work together in order to produce a high quality piece.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

in yesterdays lesson

In yesterdays lesson we got a chance to edit the small film we had filmed and make it into a short clip. when we got into the editing room we had a bit of trouble starting up but we eventually got there in the end. Firstly we had to go through our film on the camera and see what bits we wanted and how much we wanted of it. This lead us to the clips that we had done on the right hand side, so we could in and out those clips at appropriate intervals. Eventually we managed to do that and we used matchcuts to make our clip more effective and make it look like a proper film. We used a short sound effect towards the end of the clip so that it sounds and looks much better. Then we watched the clip through so we could see the wonderful short film we had created and we enjoyed it. This session was a real help because it allowed me to use final cut pro in a more challenging way and this helps me in the future when me and my group do our thriller.

Sunday 11 January 2009

wednesday 7th of January

On wednesday the 7th me and my group made a short film which we had to include matchcuts when we edit and we had to use different points of view. I found this excersise very satisfying because i used the camera to film other people in the rest of my group and found this very helpful because now we could all use the camera effectively and learnt the technicality of the camera and I managed to master it in the end. Moreover we used various camera angles so we could show different points of views and make it easier to matchcut when it comes to it. We also got a a4 size sheet of paper where we wrote down the things that we where going to do in the short film. I and the rest of my group found that helpful because then we could refer back to the sheet for guidance instead of improvising and doing it on the spot and making mistakes. For me this lesson was a real help in the progress of our thriller film that we are going to do.

Monday 5 January 2009

In today lesson we watched a documentary called "watching". This documentary helped me to see various different of film openings,there were two different views of how a film should begin . a director called Jean Jacques believed that a film should start slowly and gradually build up to the moment because if a film begins with a interesting shot [bang], the director will not know what to do with the rest of the film, therefore the rest of the film will not be that interesting. In the other hand another director believe that the first moment of a film should begin with "boom" that attracts the audience.
In my opinion i think that  a film should have a good beginning that make the audience feel that they dont know enough yet but still have enough information to help them know what is happening.


In todays lesson we watched a documentary about openings of movies. This documentary was called Watching. We had to research about openings while answering questions to it. In this documentary we were shown many different types of openings to movies which included some that had a slow gradual build up to excitement and some that had excitement rite at the start. We were then able to see different techniques we can use for our openings for our thriller project. While analysing the documentary we looked quotes from Thomas Sutcliffe and Jean Jacques Beineix and had our view on what they said.