Monday 15 December 2008

what we learned from practice filming

We were told to do a thriller using a game cards fir our practise filming but instead it turned out to be a comedy. I think that our group could of done much better. The reason why I say this is because we didn’t take enough shots and match all the shots up properly. Also we ended up changing locations which also confused us what to do next in which made us skip some shots. I thought the editing went quite well. The only thing was that we didn’t have enough shots which didn’t make our thriller match up. I learnt that the mise en scene was important be cause they were the things that led to suspense. We didn’t have a lot of mise en scene therefore ours didn’t have any suspence. Our group wasn’t able to create suspense but we were able to create comedy. The reason why I say this is because towards the end there was a bit of slow motion and fast motion mixed together which made it look funny. Also I ended up doing a slow motion run when I was supposed to be running quite fast that also made it quite funny. We forgot to do more shots and put some sound in. If we were to put some sound in i reckon that it would of had more suspense. i think we used the camera shots for the conventions of a thriller but we just wasn't able to match everything up. The feedback from the class and teacher was that it was funny and we used 1 or 2 good close ups. We could have made it more better by having more tension and suspense. I feel that we could have made it much better. We should have used more shots and timed everything right. We should have had more suspense rather than having it comedy.

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