Thursday 18 December 2008

Monday the 15th

In mondays lesson we went into the computer suite to upload our short clips unto our blog. that took like 20 minutes and in the meen time we were answering questions about our clips and how we developed them. Afterwards we looked at our clips on our blog and we saw what we did and now we know what we can do better in the future. Then we went back into the classroom to watch some short clips from thrillers such as collateral were we saw how they used editing and lighting to portray that certain clip, overall that was helpful to us.

Monday 15 December 2008

what we learned from practice filming

We were told to do a thriller using a game cards fir our practise filming but instead it turned out to be a comedy. I think that our group could of done much better. The reason why I say this is because we didn’t take enough shots and match all the shots up properly. Also we ended up changing locations which also confused us what to do next in which made us skip some shots. I thought the editing went quite well. The only thing was that we didn’t have enough shots which didn’t make our thriller match up. I learnt that the mise en scene was important be cause they were the things that led to suspense. We didn’t have a lot of mise en scene therefore ours didn’t have any suspence. Our group wasn’t able to create suspense but we were able to create comedy. The reason why I say this is because towards the end there was a bit of slow motion and fast motion mixed together which made it look funny. Also I ended up doing a slow motion run when I was supposed to be running quite fast that also made it quite funny. We forgot to do more shots and put some sound in. If we were to put some sound in i reckon that it would of had more suspense. i think we used the camera shots for the conventions of a thriller but we just wasn't able to match everything up. The feedback from the class and teacher was that it was funny and we used 1 or 2 good close ups. We could have made it more better by having more tension and suspense. I feel that we could have made it much better. We should have used more shots and timed everything right. We should have had more suspense rather than having it comedy.
Last lesson in media, we watched a thriller by Alfred Hitchcock called "The Shining". The movie was about a family who head to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil spiritual presence influences the father (Jack Nicholson) into violence, while his gifted son who has "the shining" sees disturbing events from the past and future which occured in the hotel.
This gruesome thriller is quite a popular movie which enabled it to be remade successfully.

Before we watched it, Andrew outlined what makes a thriller.This helped me alot as I didn't know the diffrence between a thrill and a horro movie
last lesson we watched a thriller called  the shining, the reason why we watched  this film was because it will give as an example of a thriller film that we need to create.This film really helped me because i personally dint know the different between  a thriller movie and a horror movie, therefore i got an inside of what me and my group needs to do in order to make a good thriller film.
before watching the film andrew asked as  to look at three things that makes the film be a thriller film .The main things  that stood out to me was the use of the sound,the camera work and the choice of actors.The reason is  because the sound was very effective it really gave the film a thriller atmosphere and engaged the audience into the film.

Friday 12 December 2008

Wednesday the 10th

On wednesday we saw our mini videos that we created and the class was buzzing with anticipation of waht we were about to see. we went back into the editing room to watch them. We had to see other groups before ours and that was interesting looking at the different editing techniques that were being used and see if i could use in the future to improve my work. It then got to ours and some of the shots were good but could have been improved, so in the future I now would know what to do. Besides that the story went fluently and we used a dissolve to show that time passed and that worked well, so all in all it was a good task to get involved in. After that we watched a thriller that starred jack nicholson. my class was screaming at one shocking scene where jack nicholsons character was kissin a women who was getting hideous by the second that was uncomfortable to watch but beside that i enjoyed the film and it gave us ideas to use in our thriller stories.

Monday the 8th

On monday the 8th we went into the editing room to see how our filming came out by connecting the camera to the hardrive, mickey helped us with this. then we had to work as a group to see wether we could find the shots we needed to start editing. We fouind the shots and we saw some funny ones that really made all of us laugh like when elliot was running. Then we transfered those shots to the bit were you edit and carried on from there. At the start I found it a bit tricky but i soon got the hang of it and mastered it. The shots were good but all we had to do was puit it together to make an intresting piece. I think our group worked very cohesively to get the job done and we even went workshopto get it finished so i was very satisfied with what we achieved in that lesson.

Monday 8 December 2008

practice film scene

In wednesdays lesson we had to do a practise version of our thriller, inwhich involed a game of cards. For my group we brang in a poker set to make da scene more realistic. We then had to film our practise peace. We then went downstairs to the lower ground to do our filming. We filmed in various places 2 make it look realistic. We first started of in the hall way then we then moved into a room were me and Onemi we playing cards. We uses a varied of shots and differnet angles to see what it looked like. After we finished filming in the room we done the end bit. This was funny because me and Onemi were fighting for the suitcase with all the money init. I ended up taking it and running off with it.

first editing session

On mondays lesson we were in da editing room and we learning how to edit for our real horror project. We had to edit clips of a little boy and a old man and put them in order. We had to learn the steps of editing and how to use final cut pro. We then learnt diffent types of effects we can use for our project. e.g match cuts, fades. This gave me all ideas for what i can do for my real one. I then had practise doing the editing techniques but with the same clips of the boy and the old man. I found it quite easy and I was able to match up everything well by using a varied of techniques.

Finally,On Wednesday we started filming

On wednesday we finally started our filming and our scenario was that we had to create a short piece about a game of cards. Before all that we had to have a tutorial form mickie about how to use the filming kit and how to put it on the satnd and so on. We then sat in our group and figured out how we are going to portray this game of cards. We then started filming near the common room were we found it hard becaus ethere were plenty of distractions but we still got our 12 shots in the end. Moreover the scene we did that i found the funniest was the scene with me and elliot, when i win the card game he comes and attacks me and we start struggling and the suitcase drops to the floor and he picks it up and runs away thgat was funny.

last mondays lesson

In last mondays lesson we went to the computer room to see how we edit our scenes and make are thrillers and stories better. We used scenes about a little boy who is in a cafe and he is placed in this situation with other characters such as the waitress and the man that steals his lunchbox. I found this exercise useful because it allowed me to learn how to use the editing programme and when it is time to edit my own thriller i will be able to use editin styles such as matchcuts in my movie