Friday 27 February 2009

Thursday 5 February 2009

Filming on the 4th of februaury

On the 4th of february we continued filming for an opening of a thriller movie which lasts 2 minutes. This was a very productive filming session where we filmed the second character in our story line and what their role is in the story. We used many props such as fake blood and a light brown cloth which shows reprsentation to an enourmous affect. We once again also used a spotlight to set he scene instead of a normal light which would not be as effective. We used various shot types to show what was going on.for example we used point of view shot for the character. A close up of the brown cloth and the object that was inside it. Furthermore we used medium shot of the villian cleaning the evidence away. For me and my group this was a productive lesson because we mangaed to get most of what we needed and with a bit more filming time we will be able to start editing and making our opening of a thriller into a spectacle.